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Prebid adapter

You can add BeOp in your Prebid flow through the BeOp adapter.


You'll need to contact your account manager to activate the Prebid integration on your BeOp account.

First, pick BeOp on the Prebid.js download page.

Then, add BeOp in the relevant slot's bids array.

We recommend that you assign the BeOp bidder the sizes that your ad unit support. BeOp is managing for its own contents the sizes 1x1, 250x250, 300x250, 300x600, 320x480, 336x280 and 480x320. But for external buyers, other sizes can be applied, so feel free to customize the sizes array as you expect it.

var adUnits = [
code: "in-article",
mediaTypes: {
banner: {
sizes: [
[1, 1],
[250, 250],
[300, 250],
[300, 600],
[320, 480],
[336, 280],
[480, 320],
bids: [
bidder: "beop",
params: {
accountId: "YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID",
currency: "EUR", // or "USD"

Bid Params#

accountIdYour BeOp account ID
currencyEUR or USD

Bidder Params#

If you want to pass your first party data to BeOp, you can set BeOp bidder config.ortb2 object with

"site": {
"ext": {
"bpsegs": ["Your", 1, "ST", "party", "data"],
"data": {
"bpsegs": ["Your", 1, "ST", "party", "data"]
"user": {
"ext": {
"bpsegs": ["Your", 1, "ST", "party", "data"],
"data": {
"bpsegs": ["Your", 1, "ST", "party", "data"]

You can choose the location between:

  • site.ext
  • user.ext

and our BidAdapter will be able to find them. See the related documentation on how you can leverage the usage of your first party data in BeOp platform.