QuestionThe question is the simplest format available. You ask something, and prepare some propositions that your users can answer. You can customise your question by adding media on the title or to illustrate each proposition.
You can set the minimum and maximum number of choices a user can submit.
Good to- Collect opinions
- Increase engagement
- Grow awareness
SurveyThe survey is a list of questions, and can show a cover screen to invite your users to participate.
Good to- Collect opinions
- Increase engagement
- Grow awareness
QuizThe quiz is a list of questions that all have right and wrong answers. When users finishes the quiz, you can show to them custom screens given their scores.
Good to- Gamify content
- Increase time spent on your website
- Make viral content
Personality testThe personality is a list of questions for which each proposition can be assigned to a profile. users finishes the quiz, you can show to them custom screens given the one they matched most.
Good to- Gamify content
- Increase time spent on your website
- Make viral content
FormThe form is a format where you can put any fields you want your users to fill.
Good to- Collect leads
- Learn about your audience
- Generate optins
GameThe game is a format that can contain a quiz and a form, and can be configured to elect winners instantly or manually.
Good to- Make viral content
- Collect leads
- Generate optins
ChatThe chat is a format which runs a scripted conversation with a user.
Good to- Gamify content
- Increase engagement
- Grow awareness
CanvasThe canvas is a format to simply display text and media.
Good to- Grow awareness